Sacred Woman's

MoonLodge Year Training 

LIVE in MaHaRa Amsterdam

 "Soften into your Heart and FREE your Wild Creative Feminine Soul"

A Soul Immersive experience, where you learn to apply true Self-love, wisdom, power and emotional transformation to elevate your consciousness, enhance intuition and watch you create more opportunities to manifest a soulful and abundant life that is genuinely aligned with your deep inner heart and soul-self.

 Unleash your genuine Self through the wisdom of the deep feminine mysteries to awaken and grow your authentic voice and develop expressing that inner truth.

You will activate & cultivate Your inner compass through the wisdom of the Celestial Archetypes & the Astrological Medicine Wheel, which generates a safe and sold bedding to flourish and thrive.

Now is the time for women to answer that deep inner yearning to live open-hearted and in fulfilling relationships.
To answer the calling to express, simply and joyfully, to be you and to speak our authentic truth in kind, honestly...




Sacred Woman's MoonLodge Year Training 

A powerfully transformative year training  providing you with powerful tools to create life-changing transformation and healing in a safe container of Sisterhood 

Reserve your Space Today

Sacred Woman's MoonLodge 

Coming together each month has a profound benefit as it activates and anchors the energetic strengths of each new astrology archetype. We also have the opportunity to share and heal our deep inner wounds, transforming them into wisdom and light that helps us become who we are meant to be and manifest a soulful life.
We explore and discover together through sacred practices such as womb blessing rituals to clear out stagnant energies, oracle soul-sharing using cards to increase intuition, reflecting on the previous month's growth, and shamanic journeys to connect with our soul self. These sisterhood moonlodges provide a safe and supportive container to express one's truth, allowing you to feel comfortable and opening you up to the experience.

Feminine Archetypal & Astrological Teaching Videos

Feminine Archetypal and Astrological Wisdom Discover Feminine Archetypal and Astrological Wisdom through my Latest Teaching Videos. My 12 Astro-Wisdom downloadable teaching modules come with informative videos that delve into the depths of astrology and related feminine wisdom. This invaluable knowledge can help you recognise and navigate through both positive and negative qualities that we all experience collectively and individually. By gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, you'll be able to cultivate self-acceptance and love, which will enable you to make critical decisions in life. This year, I'm excited to introduce personalised group videos that teach feminine archetypal wisdom and mythos. Understanding mythos is crucial because it empowers you to shape your reality and find purpose within the culture you inhabit. Additionally, you'll receive Sacred Embodiment Practices that allow you to hone the strengths of each astrological sign, either on your own or with your sisterhood.3) NewMoon Prayers, Ritual & Shamanic Healing Journeys Live

New Moon Prayers, Rituals & Shamanic Healing Journeys

Join us for New Moon Prayers, Rituals, and Shamanic Healing Journeys that support your growth. Our MoonLodges provide a sacred space for prayer, aligning your heart with your soul. Prayer gives you a sense of support, which boosts your confidence and allows you to manifest from the heart and soul. Our prayers become even more powerful when we focus on healing for family, humanity, and the Earth. As world healers, we need you to join us in this work! Experience powerful shamanic journeys that enhance your clair-senses, improving your inner knowing, hearing, dreams, and feelings. Our rituals provide empowerment and instil a sense of purpose and meaning in your life, creating profound energetic shifts that last. Gain the wisdom of your life, move beyond fear, and embrace the space of love,

Full Moon Shamanic Ritual TranceDances 

I create a unique musical experience that aligns with astrology and seasonal changes. This customized Ritual TranceDance is designed to bring healing, transformation, and manifestation to the group. Although typically a group ceremony, I have found personal use in it and am excited to share it for personal growth and empowerment. This dance form is unlike any other, combining breathwork, visioning, and integration to create a powerful tool for change and transformation. With a blindfold, you can tap into your spiritual senses and connect with your ancestors and higher self. The music is a fusion of ancient tribal and modern healing songs and lasts no longer than 60 minutes, including breathwork and integration. Additionally, I now offer trance dance videos specifically tailored for the group. Open up your Inner Heart's Eye to bring about lasting change and new perspectives bringing transformation from the DreamTime into the material world.
material world.

Lunar Manifestation Practices 

It is believed by many that making wishes during the New Moon holds great power. By concentrating on what you wish to cultivate, you strengthen your resolve and ability to bring about your desires. This can result in increased prosperity, improved relationships, and better health.
Each New Moon presents an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality, and this year, you will witness the transformations in your life.
I have overcome stagnant patterns, healed emotional wounds, and made healthy changes to manifest my soul's deepest desires.
Now, my life is filled with creativity, and my inner world is more serene than ever because I have stopped pushing and started attracting through the natural cycles of astrological energy.
To make your dreams come true, having a conscious vision and focusing on it is essential. This is the magic that the Universe employs to bring your dreams to life.
Without a clear intention or vision, life can feel like wandering aimlessly without a map and being tossed around by the winds of fate. But with a definite vision, you can live a life full of opportunities and experiences that you cherish.

New Moon  Reflections

Developing introspection and inquiry skills can boost your emotional intelligence, empathy, and communication abilities. Making it a regular practice can bring about immense benefits, such as untangling your thoughts and emotions, leading to genuine relationships. It also helps you align with your values, thereby enhancing your self-knowledge and wisdom. Additionally, holding yourself accountable can aid you in achieving your goals. Reflection sheets can help you identify shadow aspects of yourself and overcome self-sabotage or negative thoughts. Such self-awareness can prevent self-consciousness and judgment, which may hinder your progress. These downloadable worksheets, received during the NewMoon, contain thought-provoking questions that foster self-acceptance and broaden your clarity. Moreover, they help you become more compassionate and authentic, leading to increased well-being for yourself and others.


This Path is for You

* When you feel trapped in a life that does not feel true or fulfilling.

* When you desire to align with your purpose and align with meaning in your life.
* If you need help healing old patterns and beliefs that are holding you back.
* If you desire to connect with women from all over the world and tap into the power of sisterhood to achieve greater transformation and prosperity.
* If you desire to connect with the power of your intuition to help you make healthy choices.
* If you are ready to overcome fears, worries, debilitating self-doubt, shame or patterns that block your way forward.
* When you wish to heal old wounds and emotional pain in order to hold deeper and more fulfilling relationships.
* If you are ready to free your voice and gain confidence in speaking and expressing your truth.
* If you are ready to become self-aware and conscious, learn how to handle triggers and still stay in your heart space.
* If you wish to feel more in your body and become more heart-centred.
* If you need to learn how to hold yourself and create more truly lasting self-love.
* Wishing to create more balance and wholeness in your life.
If you wish to elevate clarity and integrity in your life.
* I you wish to cultivate more authentic power.
* To create more safety and trust in your life and choices.
* Wish to learn to manifest and magnetise prosperity in your life.


This is not for you

* This program is best suited for individuals who are willing to dedicate time to reflect and do inner work,
* This program requires dedication to truly go towards your fears, pain and shame to unearth and transform them into wisdom.
* If you cannot attend 80% of the MoonLodges (see dates check).
* This is suited for those who are willing to move beyond the victim mentality.
* For those who can be willing to speak and share their true self in group form, like shame and guilt, to bring true and lasting transformation.


This program is designed to help you raise your consciousness and overcome fears, worries, and anxieties. Through the Ancient Medicine Cycle, you'll learn to face life's challenges with the support of a sisterhood community. By addressing monthly emotional and archetypical issues, you'll develop better relationships with others and gain a deeper connection with your inner wisdom, intuition, and soul self. You'll also learn a sacred practice that aligns with the celestial wheel and human spirituality. Join us for MoonLodges and sharing sessions to experience being seen, heard, and supported.

If you require deeper emotional healing work due to trauma, I recommend connecting with me or another professional for 1-on-1 sessions. Remember, we will be sharing our growth and challenges together in a group form.

Monthly Celestial Modules 


Celestial Archetypes 

❈ Scorpio The Wild Woman and The Phoenix
❈ Sagittarius  The StarGazer 
❈ Capricorn The Earth Father & Sacred Masculine
❈ Aquarius The Sacred Rebel,  Dreamer & Spirit-Bearer
❈ Pisces The Mystic 
❈ Aries Tha Child, Spiritual  Warrior and Maiden
❈ Taurus The Manifestor & Lover 
❈ Gemini The Alchemist
❈ Cancer The Wild Mother & Sacred Feminine 
❈ Leo, The Magical Child & Sovereign King & Queen
* Virgo The Priestesss 
* Libra The He(Artist)

Working with Sacred  Herbs and Plants

❈ Cacao & Blue Lotus for the MoonLodges, shamanic trancedances and journeys - these are optional 



Sacred Practices

❈ Ritual and Ceremonial work
❈ Feminine Shamanic Trance Dance & Journey
❈ Systemic & Shadow Work
❈ Meditation
❈ Shamanic Meditation & Womb BreathWork
❈ Sacred Women's Work through Lodges and sharing.

Extra Care

I offer free support through voice messaging to help with any questions, challenges, or advice. I guarantee to respond within 24 hours to 4 days after creating the necessary space.



As a special offer exclusive to this group, you can enjoy a 15% discount on all of my events throughout this year's training. Additionally, there is a new promotion this year where you can receive a 10% discount on Guidance and Shamanic Healing sessions. 

Extra Fresh This Year

Each year, I incorporate new elements into my training program. This year's additions include extra creative rituals, archetypal videos aimed at reclaiming our feminine heritage, and fresh and stimulating journeys.

Reserve your Space Today

Dates for the MoonLodges 


Time 18:30- 21:00 


November 12th
December 10th


January 6th
February 11th
March 10th
April 7th
May 5th
June 2nd
July 7th
August 4th
September 1st
October 6th

Energy Exchange & Payment Plans  


Light Gold Package 

❈ Full Training 
❈ All 12 MoonLodges 
❈ Free voice messaging 

If paid in ONE, go get 10%

Price From €2565,00 to €2300,00

Star Gold Package 

❈ Full  Training with Free voice messaging
❈ All 12 MoonLodges
❈ Free voice messaging
❈ Without the extra Guidance sessions 

Price: €2565,00

Gold Package

❈ Full Training with Free voice messaging.
❈ All 12 MoonLodges
❈ Free voice messaging
❈ PLUS 4 Guidance Sessions Plus 1 extra to help bring healing support, transformation, and guidance.

Energy Exchange: from €3285 to  €3140,00 


With Payment Plan Options

SEE the White Roze & Roze Gold Payment Plans  


White Roze Payment Plan

❈ Be able to pay in 5 Instalments 

Paid By:
October 22nd
January 22nd
April 22nd 
July 22nd 
September 22nd


Roze Gold Payment Plan

❈ Be able to pay in 12 Instalments

Paid By:
Each Month on the 22nd

Cancellation & Refund

❈ Full refunds and cancellations are available until October 18th
❈ After which until the due date it is Full price unless you find another woman to replace you. 
❈ If you sign up for the year training and you fall ill - you are still expected to pay the full amount due to the fact that you have full access to recorded live videos and coursework indefinitely 


Light Gold


  • 12 MoonLodges 
  • Full access to online learning.
  • Free voice messaging guidance
  • 10% discount on Guidance & Healing Sessions live or online.
  • 15% discount on all events 
Buy Now

Gold Package


  • 12 MoonLodges 
  • Full access to online learning.
  • Free voice messaging guidance
  • 5 Healing & Guidance sessions (1x free)
  • 15% discount on all events 
Buy Now

PayMent Plans

  • Rose: Pay in 3 installments (check dates in the section above).
  • White Rose: Pay in 5 installments (check dates in the section above).
  • Roze gold: Pay in 12 installments (check dates in the section above). 
Contact me